Have you ever wanted to tell someone something, but were too afraid to actually tell them?
You were afraid of what they might think of you, so you didn't say anything?
You figured that they accepted how you were already, so if you said anything contrary to how they already thought of you, it would
make them question whether they really wanted to get to know you after all? And because of all of this running through your head, you couldn't be yourself around them?
Ugh... Isn't it frustrating? Why do we care so much about what others think of us?
D o e s i t r e a l l y m a t t e r t h a t m u c h ?
I'm sure if you were to go around the room and ask several people, the answers would be similar. Everyone has dealt with this in one way or another.
"What will they think of me if I say this?"
We tend to put ourselves into a box when we do this.
ourselves and those around us too.
I've never really thought about that before... But really.
You are not only limiting yourself when you don't speak up, but you're also limiting those around you by not sharing your thoughts.
You're building a wall around yourself that others can't get through.So my charge to you is this:
Don't worry about what others may think of you.
If you have something to say, share it with them. "Just do it."
We need to encourage one another in this. Build each other up, and not tear down.
If someone needs cheering up, be that person who goes out of the way to lift them up.
If you have something to say, share it with them. "Just do it."
Be bold.
If someone needs cheering up, be that person who goes out of the way to lift them up.
This is something I have to work on too, so you're definitely not alone in this. ;)