Saturday, April 2, 2011

More Thoughts...

Here are a few thoughts I've had the past few days. Maybe you can relate.
    I tend to judge my relationships with people by the relationship they have with other people... Meaning, just because A was best friends with B, and I also had a somewhat friendship with B, I felt like I ought to have the same friendship with B that they had with A
   Does that make any sense?? 
   You need to know people and relate with them on your own individual relationship with them, and not base it on someone else's relationship with them. It takes time and effort to become close with someone, you can't skip over anything, or wish you had someone else's relationship with them. You need to take your own time and your own effort to build that individual relationship.
   Like... With God. You can't become best friends with Him only on the fact that your parents or friends are close to Him. You need to know Him through your own relationship with Him. You can't skip that process of "getting-to-know-you".  Know God. Have a relationship with Him that is completely His and yours, and not based off someone else's personal relationship with Him. You need to be diligent in spending time with Him, like you would with a person you want to get to know better. Time. You aren't going to automatically have the same closeness with Him as someone else who has been in relationship with Him longer. It takes time. One step after another, day-by-day, no shortcuts. Fellowship with Him.
   Relationships are a dear, delicate and sought after thing. They must be nurtured and cultivated. They are not automatic. You can't skip over some parts because they're uncomfortable, you need to experience all of them, because that will shape and grow and build the relationship to be all it was meant to be. If you leave things out, or try to skip around things, it would be like building a house with pieces of foundation missing.
   How much time and effort you put in a relationship is how much you will get out of it. Real relationships will cost you something. Pride, letting go of fear... There will be times when it will hurt and you must give something of yourself. It is not a real relationship if you never allow the other person to see who you really are. You need to be real to each other, open and honest. Trust.

I   w r i t e   t h i s   n o t   o n l y   f o r    y o u ,   b u t   f o r   m y s e l f   a s   w e l l .

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